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23 novembre 2013

Sanctus wombs caves are everywhere around the world.

Sanctus wombs caves are everywhere around the world.
Sanctus wombs caves are everywhere around the world. There is Thracian one. In great past, these caves were initiating ones, to be "eaten" by Giant Cosmic Snakes who transmitted infinite wisdom and knowledge of this World, and the Death World. It was...
23 novembre 2013

Each priestess was at the head of one city only

Each priestess was at the head of one city only
[Bronze Statue of Magna Mater (2nd Century AD)] This Priestess/Goddess was not at the head of an empire, because empire is male domination in war/forced mariage and enslavement, the wealth of a very small number (chiefs warriors and usurpators priests)....
19 novembre 2013

Solar Snakes are Energy

Snakes are energy, they look like light, wings are their symbols even if they have not. It is an explanation to say that those special Snakes are flying. They come from stars, they fly from stars to stars, and they are Stars messengers. They lived with...
  • Before males invasions and terror, marriage and war did not exist. During Megalithic Times, each one could live with free love, and after initiations, connect to spirits or cosmic snakes and Mothers Stars. Through Prehistoric and historic Art.
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